Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Drums, Girls+ DangerOUS PIE 10/29/14

Pages Read: 128- 220
Prompt: Summary

     After a while Steven's mom and his little brother going to Philadelphia was routine now. But, as the days had gone by Jeffrey had started missing classes and most importantly math. His teacher told him that he should get a math tutor. The teacher then assigned Steven to Renee and he's excited. But as the day comes she says she might be a little sick. So, Steven had to tell her she couldn't come in. Since Jeffrey had very low white blood cells and couldn't get sick.

     When he went to school every guy had respect for Steven for kicking Renee to the curb. But, he didn't benefit much since he didn't get the tutoring afterwards. So when he took the math final he only got a 37 on it. The teacher told him and make a phone call to his mom. When he got home he heard a voicemail from his mom telling him to call back as soon as possible. A few minutes later his dad arrived mad at him for worrying his mother and not calling back. Steven was tired of being yelled at and told his father that he wasn't a very good father. Since he didn't talk or interact with him for the last few months. They got along and started "bonding". Once his mother arrived Steven explained the whole thing and how he was sorry.

     Jeffrey started going back to kindergarden after a while. Since he was absent for so long the new kid didn't really know what his conditions were. When Jeffrey asked if he wanted to be his friend, the new kid replied with, "Hi, you're bald". Which just crushed Jeffrey. He was crying and when Steven confronted him Jeffrey said he didn't want Steven to know that he was bald. Steven then started shaving his hair off. Which seemed to help Jeffrey's crisis and self-esteem.


  1. I think that it was a really thoughtful thing of Steven to do. I couldn't imagine how bad Jeffrey felt from that kids comment. You wrote a great summary!

  2. Carlos - You are all over the place in your writing. How are Jeffrey and Steven connected?
