Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Drums, Girls and Dangerous Pie

Pages read:  0-128
Prompt: Describe the Characters

     Steven is the main character of the book. It starts off with him at his graduation thinking of everything that has happened the past few months. Then he starts retelling his times at the school from nearly the beginning. Steven has always had good grades and intentions. He is also in jazz band and 2 other programs where he played drums. He does tend to have a smart mouth most of the time.

     Jeffrey, Steven's little brother, is the usual little brother, annoying and energetic. But, one morning he fell off of a stool and his nose bled profusely. After Jeffrey came back from school he found out that Jeffrey actually had cancer. Jeffrey slowly became less energetic and more sick, since he was more vulnerable to germs.

     Annette is Steven's best friend. She usually babysits Jeffrey on weekends. She's in the same Jazz band as Steven and is a pianist. She's pretty much Steven's only real friend and Steven doesn't realize it yet. She's always been attentive to what's been happening with him. Like how he kept spacing off and not even doing his homework


  1. I remember reading this book! Do you like what is happening so far? I remember reading how Steven found out that Jeffery had cancer and how it goes downhill for Steven from that moment. Have you gone to the part where he meets Samantha? Great blog post!

  2. Great blog this week! I like how you focused on the characters that had to do something with the main character. I feel sad for both Jeffery and Steven. I know I would feel terrible if my brother was dying of cancer. I have heard of this book, but never read it. I really hope that Steven can find a way to get back on the right track.
