Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Butterfly Project

I commented on Steven's, Citlalli's, and Jesus' blog.

Thursday, March 26, 2015

Night 3/23

Prompt: Describe characters and setting.

     It starts off in a small town, we learn about Elie's desires to study religion and Moche the Beatle. Moche's last name is never revealed or said, after a while he was taken away because he was a foreign Jew. The community was shocked at first then kind of forgot about it. Moche came back talking about how they were throwing infants in the air and using them as targets. He says he survived because they gave him a leg wound and left him for dead. This was the first time of many where the town shrugs it off and stays optimistic. 

     After those events officers came to isolate them, the community was a ghetto. The citizens were all thinking it was for the best since now they were closed off in their own community amongst fellow Jews. The German officers were also acting very nice at first. Elie's Father was a leader figure and there was a Jewish council. Everything changed once they were called to go to a concentration camp or another ghetto. The community went in groups, Elie was in the last group to go. He was sent to another ghetto.

     Elie had lived in the ghetto shortly before being transported to his first concentration camp. But he has to endure a long train ride where everyone was hungry and thirsty. During the ride there was a woman who kept on yelling that there was a fire. After a while the people on the cart tied and gagged her. She would get loose and start yelling again until they eventually beat her to try and shut her up. When they arrived at their camp she started yelling fire again, and there was indeed fire/smoke coming out of the chimney. The place smelled bad, they later found out it was the smell of burning flesh. 

Passion Project Update

     When we first began this we had planned wrongly. There was less people than we thought there would be. At first there was little planning, but they liked the game. The second time we planned more accordingly but one kid wasn't participating, or he couldn't. So we changed to soccer and had it more planned out. Everyone participated and had fun.

Monday, March 23, 2015

Holocaust AoW Impressions

     This week we took a look at everyone's articles they picked. They were all required to be Holocaust related. There was a lot of variety in topics though. For example, there were articles talking about the altered stress hormones of Holocaust survivors. There was also an article that Nadrian picked that was about the Holocaust survivors meeting their liberators. 

     Other articles included a survivor who mysteriously walked out of the gas chambers alive. Jenna and Emily chose an article that talked about the recent discoveries with the Holocaust. They estimated 7,000 camps and ghettos, they found 42,000. This shocked the researchers and they changed the death toll estimate to 20+ million. Another dark article was one that Maria picked, which was about a medical testing camp being stopped by the Red Cross. At first they didn't want to talk about their liberation because they were taken advantage of upon liberation. Nonetheless, I was surprised to see so much variety. But it was cool to learn stuff about this tragic event in history. 


Thursday, March 19, 2015

Jewish Decrees

1- What did you learn?
I learned about the restrictions the Jewish people had to face and the deprival of basic human rights. They also had no way of fighting back because of the laws being placed. Like how they got rid of any Jewish people with a job of power at first. I also found out a basic idea of the Jewish people's hardships. Especially during the 1940's when their basic rights were being taken away.

2- Why do you think this monument was built?
I think the monument was built to leave a reminder of the terrible things that happened. Especially since a law in 1945 was passed to essentially try and hide all of the evidence of any discrimination. It could also be an honor to those who had to experience the injustice and died during those times/

3- What did you notice about the number of laws passed in certain years?
At first there was a bunch of laws passed, then it slowed down, then back to full speed. The first laws weren't so extreme. They took away entertainment and other things that you don't need to live. Then, they started making the laws more extreme. Some examples include taking away their radios, having certain times to go shopping for food, and no milk. Those are just some of many more though.

4- Which restrictions do you think you would have the most trouble dealing with and why?
I think I would have trouble no attending school. No school would be hard to deal with because you don't really go out and make friends in a grocery store or something. You usually make and meet friends in school. Plus, it'd be hard to gather a bunch of your friends to do something organized like an actual baseball game or something. There is also the whole not being able to get an education thing. Which a lot of people, including myself, take for granted.


Thursday, March 12, 2015

3rd Quarter Reflection by me obviously

- Of the books you have read this quarter, which was your favorite? Why? Allegiant because I waited like a month or two after finishing Insurgent to read it. It was worth the whole two months to be able to finish the series, kind of. Since I haven't read Four.
- *In what area do you think you made your biggest improvements in English Language Arts? Objective summaries, I'm got better on writing just the basics of something/summarizing. 

- *What is something you have accomplished since the new year that you are proud of? I was surprisingly one of the few people to have had all of their IXL goals done so I've been having free days in math the past few testing days. - Where are you in your 40 Book Challenge? Like 5 or 6 books, not very far at all. I'm pretty sure they're all fiction too. My gal is to read more books of other genres. (Non-fiction, mystery, etc.)

- *What has been the most challenging part of 3rd Quarter for you? Annotating articles, not really challenging just kind of a long process. I usually read through and try to annotate but end up reading it all the way and having to annotate it during a second reading. But, the second reading does bring up some hidden facts or something I missed the first reading.

- How have your blogs been progressing since August? I think they've been the same, maybe a bit better from the August ones. Since I juts got back from vacation and my mind was foggy.

 - What strategies have benefited you? The annotation pages thing we made when we were discussing what should be in our annotations. The thesis practices, so I can now make a successful thesis statement. 

- What have you learned about the world? There's a lot of conflict with ISIS. Also, we need to try and prepare for the next epidemic so it doesn't hit us by surprise like Ebola.

Character Poem 3/11 A Rumor of Dragons (Dragons of Autumn Twilight, #1; Dragonlance Chronicles, #1)

Cool, Damaged, Sarcastic, Careful
A Character in Margaret Weis' story
Lover of pride, Caramon, and fables
Who notices magic, monsters' weaknesses, and conflicts
Who feels recessive, weak, and traumatized
Who learns to accept his fate, strength, and that he can see his friends ahead of time
Who used to think he could face anything, but now knows not to be hasty after a near-death experience
Major Character in A Rumor of Dragons
A book that's all about fantasy and adventures. With dwarves, goblins, wizards, elves, and more. A team of old friends meets back in their home town. Except one, which was a princess, she was busy doing something else possibly under a new leader. (Since she's a mercenary). The old group of friends find evil in their own home town and have to flee. They then pursuit a new adventure with many conflicts throughout.

Sunday, March 8, 2015

AoW Impressions

     This week was a bit less of ISIS articles. Most of the ones I got were about teenage girls being recruited. One was how one girl got others to join ISIS. The other was about 3 girls from London going to join ISIS. I only had one about some of the hostages being freed. Some have said that ISIS didn't want to harm their neighbors so they decided to let them go.

     There were a lot of mixed articles this week. One was about a 14 year-old girl who had Cystic Fibrosis. She resides in Chile and is demanding to get killed. Canadian doctors have found a cure for Ebola, they're currently testing it. It's been successful in curing Ebola for monkeys so far. Speaking of Ebola there was an article discussing how we need to prepare for the next epidemic so it's not as devastating as Ebola. Autumn chose a article that can raise paranoia. In Louisiana there was a deadly bacteria released. It grows in soil and water. That means that the bacteria can be in Louisiana's water and food supply.

     These articles are more about social problems. For example, there was an article about Social Media having an impact on suicides. Once a suicide goes viral the suicides and attempts go up. Some posted their notes before committing suicide which also spiked rates. Jesus had one about Racial Job Issues. For example. Black students were found to have a harder time finding a full-time job. Also, employers have stated that they let racial prejudice decide who gets a job or not.  Stanley had an article about vertical gardens that a country had to make because they kept getting flooded. Salty soil can't grow food. Gabe had an article talking about a "green" power plant. It runs on wave energy with a man-made lagoon. It can already generate 8% of the UK's electricity.