Sunday, March 8, 2015

AoW Impressions

     This week was a bit less of ISIS articles. Most of the ones I got were about teenage girls being recruited. One was how one girl got others to join ISIS. The other was about 3 girls from London going to join ISIS. I only had one about some of the hostages being freed. Some have said that ISIS didn't want to harm their neighbors so they decided to let them go.

     There were a lot of mixed articles this week. One was about a 14 year-old girl who had Cystic Fibrosis. She resides in Chile and is demanding to get killed. Canadian doctors have found a cure for Ebola, they're currently testing it. It's been successful in curing Ebola for monkeys so far. Speaking of Ebola there was an article discussing how we need to prepare for the next epidemic so it's not as devastating as Ebola. Autumn chose a article that can raise paranoia. In Louisiana there was a deadly bacteria released. It grows in soil and water. That means that the bacteria can be in Louisiana's water and food supply.

     These articles are more about social problems. For example, there was an article about Social Media having an impact on suicides. Once a suicide goes viral the suicides and attempts go up. Some posted their notes before committing suicide which also spiked rates. Jesus had one about Racial Job Issues. For example. Black students were found to have a harder time finding a full-time job. Also, employers have stated that they let racial prejudice decide who gets a job or not.  Stanley had an article about vertical gardens that a country had to make because they kept getting flooded. Salty soil can't grow food. Gabe had an article talking about a "green" power plant. It runs on wave energy with a man-made lagoon. It can already generate 8% of the UK's electricity.


  1. In your second paragraph the bacteria that escaped from the science lab, might turn into the new Ebola for the United States. I do agree with you the number for ISIS articles was a bit low compared to last week. In your post I liked how you included specific details on each article which might refresh the memory of the reader. Great Blog Post.

  2. You did a good job of explaining all the articles from the gallery walk. I liked how you separated your articles into different sections, the first about ISIS, the second about bacteria, and the third about social problems.

  3. Your blogs have gotten a lot better. I like how you described multiple articles because I was not able to get around to all of them. So you describing the articles helped me understand your blog better. Great job this week
