Tuesday, October 8, 2013

The Lady or the Tiger? Ending. By: Carlos Moreles

Her decision had been indicated in an instant, but it had been made in several days and nights of anguished deliberation. She had known she would be asked,  she had decided what she would answer, and, with the slightest hesitation, she moved her hand to the right.

The Youth was breathing heavily, it was extremely noticeable to the Princess and the man himself. He wasn’t sure if he could trust her. He took one last prayer as the audience gasped at what stood behind that door as he opened it. It was the girl! The Youth knew the princess would be jealous and mad, but it would have to happen. The Youth was just glad for his life. 

After the marriage he was wondering where the princess was. He was feeling despair and grief. He couldn’t believe he was stuck with the girl. She’s the one who accused him! He felt angry and jealous. The princess already had another man. The man was out and noticed the king. The king ran up to him looking furious and angry. His teeth gritted as he asked, “Where is the princess!” The Youth replied with a simple, “I don’t know.” The King explained that she was missing ever since the man that was with her proposed. 

It was almost dawn that the Youth finally arrived at their little cabin he noticed that the woman wasn’t there. There was the princess. He heard struggling and muffled screams of help coming from the closet. The princess told him to run away with her. He agreed, they were going to live a new life. The King arrived to see the woman, she told the King all she heard. The King disposed of her and went off to find his daughter and the Youth.

1 year later, the couple lived happily in a big log cabin. The Youth found a job and put food on the table. They went to lakes and swam and did other activities when they could. One day the Youth came back to almost the same situation as a year ago. The King was watching the house burn with the Princess tied up in there. The Youth tried to save her but was seized by the King’s guards. He was forced to watch his lover die in front of his eyes, it was slow and painful for both of them. The King threw him in jail and sentenced him to death the next day. The King lived happily ever after.


  1. Carlos,
    The princess dies? I thought the king only hunted the man and woman down to get his daughter back. I like how the king lives happily ever after!

    1. Nope he doesn't need disobedient children, so he burns her to death :D

  2. WOW! Nice ending i guess. Don't want to sound weird. :)

  3. Nice ending! I love how the king just kills them both and goes about his life. I liked the twist that the princess dies.

  4. ... I hate this ending, I don't like non-happy endings. I hate this ending, I hate it.

  5. Why does the princess die? I though she was suppose to live happily ever after not the king.
