Thursday, March 6, 2014

The Lost Hero 3/16/13

Pages Read: 0-21
Prompt: Describe the main characters.

     Jason is one of the main characters. He wakes up in a bus and finds two people. Jason doesn't remember anything. He doesn't remember his name, friends, past life or anything.  Then he slowly starts trying to catch up with the information his two friends are giving him. Then they arrive at the Grand Canyon. There he finds out a coin that he has turns into a weapon. Then, Jason and the class he's with gets attacked by Venti. He follows his instinct and attacks them swiftly. He seems to be a great fighter.

     Piper is one of the friends Jason has. She believes she has strong feelings for Jason. Whilst Jason is still trying to interpret what's happening. Piper had been attending the school with her friends for a while. When she gets in trouble in the beginning of the book, Jason goes to save her. She seems a little insecure sometimes.

     Leo has been Jason's best friend for a while. He's been the troublemaker of them and has a lot of work with technology. Like how he messed with the Coach's megaphone. Later at camp Leo gets claimed as the son of a god. A god of blacksmith and workshop. Then he gets assigned a bed. I think he's cool but a little obnoxious.


  1. I commented on Nik, Jenna, and Maria's blogs this week

  2. I think you did a great job describing the main characters because you only 21 pages. I bet the character Leo is the son of Hephaestus because he was the god of fire and blacksmith. Does Leo have both his legs? I'm asking this because Hephaestus can't walk and that is why they banned him from Olympus. You did great job describing the setting along with your characters. Great Blog Post.

    1. They actually banned him from Olympus because he was ugly, Abdiel. Get your facts straight. lol jk

  3. I like how you described the characters without giving away too much away. I also like how you tell a little background on the characters

  4. Carlos,

    This book kind of reminds me of the Percy Jackson series. Does it remind you of the Percy Jackson series? Overall I liked how you told us just the beginning of the book with the coin and the bus.

  5. Nice blog. You do a good job describing the main characters. I read this before but forgot some things. Thanks for refreshing my memory.
