Thursday, January 16, 2014

The Alchemyst 1/16/14

Pages read: 1-40
Prompt: Describe a character that you would like to meet (which doesn’t mean that you think you would like the character, but that you think the character would be
interesting). List 4 questions that you would ask.

   I would like to meet Nicholas Flamel. He's one of the main protagonists. If you have read or watched Harry Potter before you know he created the Philosopher's Stone. Well in this book he uses a fake name, Nick Fleming. He runs a bookstore and has an employee named Josh. Anyway, He is actually from the 14th Century. There is another sorcerer after the Book of Lore. It's a book that helps him create the Philosopher's stone, or understand it. Anyway, he seems interesting. According to Josh he usually wears a T-shirt and black jeans. Nicholas' eyes are very pale too. He seems like the most interesting Character.

     I would love to know how Nicholas did magic. Also, how he found out he could learn it. He has a wife named Perry, or Pernelle. When she was captured Josh and his twin sister asked if she was going to be ok. Nicholas said very calmly, "Yes." He said Perry had taken a class and had become very strong magic-wise. Nicholas seems very calm almost all the time. He seems like he has everything under control or needs to get it under control. At least he doesn't panic. 

     First, I'd ask him how Pernelle and him met. I'd like to know how this whole thing started. Speaking of how everything was started. What did he have to do to start learning about this magic and sorcery? It's be cool to hear if he had some amazing adventure at a magic school or something. Then, I'd ask him how he figured out about people's aura and how to use his own as a weapon. Maybe he got taught that. Finally, I'd ask him how it was like seeing everything change in front of his eyes. Like the new technology and clothing styles. It'd be cool to hear about that. Imagine getting told about the new laptops and touchscreen phones. 


  1. I am reading the same book and Nicholas Flamel is a very cool character. I think you have some interesting questions to ask him. I especially like the one about how he feels with the change of the 21st century.

  2. Great post this week Carlos! I thought that you made this character sound very interesting. I found that you had some fascinating questions that you would ask Nicholas. Great post!

  3. Great questions! Do you think he and Harry would be friends?

  4. Nice blog. That would be really cool to see the change between the 14th and 21st century. Why would such a powerful magician want to change his name and own a book store?
