Thursday, April 17, 2014

Rules 4/17/14

Prompt: Describe what you just read. 

     Catherine had 7 cards with multiple ideas of what word to put on them. So, she looked around her surroundings and wrote down some of her favorite words. Then she realized that she couldn't just write her own favorite words and decided to write and draw some more emotion words for Jason. One of the words was awesome. Catherine had a hard time drawing a picture for that. 

     After Catherine arrived at the clinic she met up with Jason. She gave Jason his words and he tapped the phrase, "Thank you". Jason also said Catherine was his friend. But Catherine only saw him as a clinic buddy. So, after he's taken away and comes back, Jason tells Catherine to tell his mom if she can make more words for him. When Jason's mom asks how many cards she wants to fill out, she says all of them.

     After the day at the clinic Catherine's mom is preparing hamburgers and asks Catherine to ask over the neighbor to a cookout. There, Catherine finds the neighbor's mom and finds out the daughter wasn't there. The next week the girl next door came over and they were hanging out. But, every so often David would cause a problem and Catherine would have to tend to it. Then, the girl next door asked Catherine if she wanted to come over to her house and watch TV. So she went and that's how far I got.  


  1. Nice blog. You do a good job summarizing what you just read but I was a little confused. You just started telling about people you don't describe at all and talking about things and not telling what they are.

  2. Carlos nice blog but I think you should have at least told us how Catherine and Jason meet. Did they meet in the clinic? Wow Jason friend zoned Catherine but Jason wasn't even friend zoned he was justt that boy.

  3. The first thing I want to say is that I really like your different types of radios on your blog. I heard this book was very interesting although I feel like it's more like a romance book instead of realistic fiction book. I also like how you included a famous quote that related with the book. I think that Winston Churchill never knew his quotes were going to become so famous. Great Blog Post.

  4. Carlos,

    I really liked your blog this week. I have heard a lot about this book, is it really as good as everyone says it is? You used a lot of details in your blog, but didn't really explain who is who, or what they have done to show that they are important in the book.

  5. Great blog this week. I was also a little confused on the content and stuff. I thought about reading this book for battle of the books but didn't get the opportunity to.

  6. Good blog. I think you summarize what you read very well. I was slightly confused on some parts though. Are you reading this book for battle of the books?

  7. Good job I tried to read this book but my sister took it and read it for her self. Good job describing the problems for Catherine and her neighbor.

  8. You wrote a good blog. Rules sounds like an interesting book, and I would like to read it. You did good summarizing what happened in the book.
