Thursday, April 23, 2015

Tuesdays with Morrie 4/23/14

Pages Read: Whatever we needed

     My initial reactions to Tuesdays with Morrie were mixed. The beginning seemed nice with a college graduate saying goodbye to one of his favorite professors. Then it went on to tell what happened to Mitch, the college graduate. How Mitch had wanted to become a famous pianist and it was rough. After college he had lost contact with a lot of his friends. Including his professor who had cried when Mitch had left. Which made the happy tone in the beginning go down. It shows the reality and hardships that come after college/in real life. The book started showing how you'd hardly stay in touch with old friends and you can't always get your dreams. Although Mitch did get very successful. It's hard to say my reactions, I was just kind of taking the information in. But, I can say this book's portraying a more happy/hopeful mood to anyone who reads it. With a few reminders that not everything's peaches and cream.  

     Tuesdays with Morrie follows a dying professor. Who overall teaches you to not take life for granted. Even though Morrie is dying, he stays optimistic and tries not to feel sorry for himself so much. Which is a great take/perspective to take when you're dying. A bucket list hasn't come up in the book yet but it's one of the things that are highly associated with death. They usually include fun/scary new things to have done before you die. This is my bucket list.  

-Go down Route 66 with just a Harley Davidson motorcycle and a dream. (And money, of course.)
-Go to college and stay for at least 4 years.
-See how hard farmer's lives are and based on that temporarily become a farmer
-Rent a sports car and drive it full speed (In a controlled environment.)
-Live life to the fullest
-Become independent and stable at young age

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